Mal wieder ein Klassiker… offene Snapshots.
Hier wird ein Report erstellt und per Mail geschickt, der alle offenen Snapshot der Hyper-V Umgebung (mittels SCVMM) ermittelt. Es gibt eine Besonderheit: Manche Snapshots dürfen da sein. Diese sind dann mit „persistent“ in der Snapshot Beschreibung gekennzeichnet.
# Funktion um die Tabelle zu konvertieren function Convert-Table2HTML { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert a PowerShell-Table to a HTML-Table. .DESCRIPTION The Convert-Table2HTML cmdlet converts a PowerShell-Table to a HTML-Table in order to send it via email and have it available directly within the email. .PARAMETER Table Specifies the PowerShell-Table. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Convert-Table2HTML -Table $ExampleTable PS C:\> Convert-Table2HTML -Table $ExampleTable -NoteProperties "VMName, ClusterName" .NOTES Author: Joachim Armbruster Blog : #> Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$Table, $NoteProperties ) $Farbe1 = "bgcolor='#c5c5c5'" $Farbe2 = "bgcolor='#f0f0f0'" if(!$NoteProperties) { $NoteProperties = $Table | Get-Member -Type *Property* $CustomNoteProperty = $false } else { $Array = $NoteProperties -Split "," $NoteProperties = @() foreach($Iterator in $Array) { While($Iterator -like "* ") { $Iterator = $Iterator.SubString(0, $Iterator.Length-1) } While($Iterator -like " *") { $Iterator = $Iterator.SubString(1, $Iterator.Length-1) } $NoteProperties += $Iterator } $CustomNoteProperty = $true } $html = "<table border='1'>" $html += "<tr>" foreach($NoteProperty in $NoteProperties) { if($CustomNoteProperty) { $NotePropertyName = $NoteProperty } else { $NotePropertyName = $NoteProperty.Name } $html += "<th>$NotePropertyName</th>" } $html += "</tr>" $FarbenCounter = 0 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Table.Count; $i++) { if(($FarbenCounter % 2) -eq 0) { $bgcolor = $Farbe1 }else { $bgcolor = $Farbe2 } $html += "<tr " + $bgcolor + ">" foreach($NoteProperty in $NoteProperties) { if($CustomNoteProperty) { $NotePropertyName = $NoteProperty } else { $NotePropertyName = $NoteProperty.Name } $Eintrag = $Table[$i].$NotePropertyName $html += "<td>$Eintrag</td>" } $html += "</tr>" $FarbenCounter++ } $html += "</table>" return $html } # Konstante definieren $MailFrom = "" $MailTo = "" $MailSubject = "Snapshots auf Hyper-V Umgebung" $MailSMTPServer = "" $MailBody = "Folgende Snapshots sind auf der Hyper-V Umgebung offen:" # Start Import-Module virtualmachinemanager $Tabelle = @() Get-VMCheckpoint | %{ $Name = $_.Name $Description = $_.Description if(($Description -notlike "*persistent*") -and ($Name -notlike "*persistent**")){ $SSSizeCombined = 0 $AddedTime = $_.AddedTime $VMName = $_.VM.Name $VMHost = $_.VM.VMHost $CheckpointLocation = $_.VM.CheckpointLocation $ID = $_.ID.Guid $unc = "\\" + $VMHost + "\" + ($CheckpointLocation -Replace ":","$") $UncInhalt = Get-ChildItem $unc | ? {$ -like "*avhd*"} foreach ($snapshot in $UncInhalt){ $SSSizeCombined += $snapshot.Length / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 } $SSSizeCombined = [math]::round($SSSizeCombined,2) $Reihe = New-Object System.Object $Reihe | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name VMName -value $VMName $Reihe | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name SnapshotName -value $Name $Reihe | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Erstellt -value $AddedTime $Reihe | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name AlleSnapshotsGB -value $SSSizeCombined $Reihe | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Beschreibung -value $Description $Tabelle += $Reihe } } if ($Tabelle){ $MailBody += Convert-Table2HTML -Table ($Tabelle | sort VMName) -NoteProperties "VMName,SnapshotName,Erstellt,AlleSnapshotsGB,Beschreibung" | Out-String Send-MailMessage -From $MailFrom -To $MailTo -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $MailSMTPServer -BodyAsHTML }