Mail-Enabled User zu „normalen“ User konvertieren

Folgendes Skript ist NICHT von mir, sonder von „Dave Stork – @dmstork – dave.stork at“

Ich möchte es an dieser Stelle hier teilen, da es mir sehr geholfen hat:

### Convert-MailUser.ps1
### Version 1.0 20130429
### Dave Stork - @dmstork - dave.stork at
### Script 'upgrades' an existing mail enabled user and converts it to a mailbox enabled user
### Existing SMTP addresses will be maintained, if the SMTP domain is an Accepted Domain
### As an option the Forwarding SMTP address can be set, so that mail is deliverd in mailbox and forwarded


### Organizational information
$AcceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain
$AcceptedDomains = $AcceptedDomains.DomainName
$AcceptedDomains = $AcceptedDomains.Domain

### Check wether this is actually a mail enabled user
### Exit when RecipientType is a MailUser
$User = Get-User $Identity -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$RecipientType = $User.RecipientType
If ($RecipientType -ne "MailUser") {
    Write-Output "$Identity is not a Mail Enabled user, but a $RecipientType. Nothing has been changed."

### Store relevant information
$MailUser = Get-MailUser $Identity
$SMTPValues = $MailUser.EmailAddresses
$SMTPValues = $SMTPValues.SmtpAddress
$SMTPExternal = $MailUser.ExternalEmailAddress
$SMTPPrimary = $MailUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
$Alias = $MailUser.Alias

### Mail disable MailUser without the need for confirmation. Account is now a normal AD user.
Disable-MailUser $Identity -Confirm:$False

### Now Mailbox enable the same user with same Alias as when it was a mail user
Enable-Mailbox -Identity $Identity -Alias $Alias

### Check what the current PrimarySMTPAddress is and compare it to the Mail User
$Mailbox = Get-Mailbox $Identity
$MailboxPrimarySMTP = $Mailbox.PrimarySMTPAddress
If ($MailboxPrimarySMTP -ne $SMTPPrimary) {
    Write-Host "Warning! The Mailbox Reply SMTP differs from the Primary SMTP as when the user was mail enabled." -foregroundcolor "Red"    
    Write-Host "Check whether this should be the case and whether the correct Email Addres Policy has been applied." -foregroundcolor "Red"  
} else {
    Write-Host "Informational: Mailbox Reply SMTP is the same as the Primary SMTP when the user was mail enabled:$MailboxPrimarySMTP"

### Now we have to check and add all other SMTP Addresses.
$CounterA = 0
ForEach ($SMTPAddress in $SMTPValues){
    $SMTPAddress = $SMTPValues[$CounterA]
    $CounterB = 0
    $AmountSMTPAdded = 0
    ForEach ($AcceptedDomain in $AcceptedDomains) { 
        $AcceptedDomain = $AcceptedDomains[$CounterB]

        ### Check whether the SMTP addres falls within the configured accepted domains
        If ($SMTPAddress.ToLower().EndsWith("$AcceptedDomain")) {
                ### Check whether the SMTP Address is the current Reply SMTP and thus already added
                If ($SMTPAddress -ne $MailboxPrimarySMTP) {
                    Set-Mailbox –identity $Identity -EmailAddresses @{Add="$SMTPAddress"}
                    Write-Host "$SMTPAddress has been added as an SMTP Addres to $Identity"
                    $AmountSMTPAdded = $AmountSMTPAdded + 1
                } else {
                    If ($SMTPAddress -eq $MailboxPrimarySMTP) {
                        $AmountSMTPAdded = $AmountSMTPAdded + 1
        $CounterB = $CounterB + 1      
    $CounterA = $CounterA + 1
    If ($AmountSMTPAdded -eq 0) { 
        Write-Host "Informational: $SMTPAddress does not correspond with any Accepted Domain and has not been added." -foregroundcolor "Yellow" 
### If optional parameter KeepForwarding is set to $True, the Forwarding SMTP Address will be set
### Mail will be delivered to mailbox and to external address        
If ($KeepForwarding -eq $True) {
    Set-Mailbox -Identity $Identity -ForwardingSmtpAddress $SMTPExternal -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $True
    Write-Host "Mail for $Identity will be delivered to the mailbox AND forwarded to $SMTPExternal"