Azure Application Proxy – Replace Certificate

Every year again… comes a new SSL-certificate and want to be replaced. Since doing so within the Azure Portal is quite a tedious task, here’s a script that gets the work done quite easily and fast. Simply adjust the constants in the script’s header, and you’re all set.

SSL-Zertifikat eines Application Gateways tauschen

Läuft ein SSL-Zertifikat eines Application Gateways aus, muss dieses getauscht werden. Das passiert wie folgt: Import-Module AzureRM Login-AzureRmAccount # Name of the ApplicationGateway $APPGWName = “” # i.e. “MyAppGW01” # Name of the ResourceGroup $RGName = “” # i.e. “AppGW-RG” # CertDisplayName must match the name within the Listener $CertDisplayName = “” # i.e. “Wildcard.PowerShell24.de_2018” Read more about SSL-Zertifikat eines Application Gateways tauschen[…]